I edited the Adam Sandler page on Wikipedia. I noticed there was no information about his three beloved bulldogs. He has had three, and two have passed away and he recently adopted a third. There was a lock on the Wiki page, so I thought I would try to add it to the Discussion page. Even the discussion page looks like it is very "selective" in the information that is provided in it. On November 29th I added the following information to the Wiki.
“A large part of Sandler's on set along with personal life are his bulldogs. Meatball was his first dog, who died in January 2004. Jackie; Sandler's wife got Matzo Ball as a gift the same year Meatball passed away. Matzo was interviewed by Adam while he was hosting the Late Show with David Letterman back in 2007. The two dogs, Meatball (male) and Matzo (female) were "dating." Matzo and Meatball are now passed on, but there are tributes to them on Adam's website, in a section completely devoted to his dogs. While filming Bedtime Stories in 2008, Adam adopted yet another Bulldog, named Babu. Videos and tributes of all three bulldogs can be seen on his website.”
Monday, December 7th, 2009. Post on Adam Sandler's Wikipedia under discussion still up. Still not considered for main page.